A Construction Manager Might Be Liable After Failing To Disclose A Dangerous Situation

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You're an independent contractor who works on construction sites. You already know that working on a construction site can be dangerous. But your client must disclose potentially hazardous situations and might be liable for your injuries if they fail to do so.

What to Do After a Construction Accident

While doing your work, you may become injured after using a scaffold damaged by equipment in a previous incident. Nobody told you about the broken platform, and the construction manager never removed it. Under these circumstances, you might be entitled to compensation for your injuries. However, you will first need to prove that you were injured.

After your fall, inform the construction manager, and you must go to the doctor as soon as possible. If your injuries are severe, request an ambulance. Receiving treatment is vital to ensure you fully recover and will also allow you to document your injuries so you can seek compensation. 

Liability After a Construction Accident

The construction site manager must inform you of any risks associated with the construction site. If they do, they are not liable for your injuries. But if you believe they didn't warn you, the next step should be contacting a construction injuries lawyer.

Another issue arises when the construction manager allows the construction site to become negligently dangerous. You will need to prove that the situation was unsafe and that your employer failed to warn you.

How to Prove Liability

Unfortunately, the construction manager might dispute your claims. Working with a construction injuries attorney who will help you gather evidence to prove liability is essential.

The construction injuries attorney will interview witnesses to confirm that the condition of the construction site put you at risk. Act quickly to prevent evidence from disappearing. For example, taking photographs of the construction accident scene and the dangerous conditions will help you prove your liability case.

Your Legal Options

Once you have enough evidence to prove negligence, your construction injuries attorney will explain your legal options. They might advise you to pursue a settlement with the owner of the construction project and will advise you on how to go about this process. 

To settle, you must also prove damages. The type of damages you might have suffered include:

You can thoroughly document all of these damages to be prepared to negotiate a settlement.

Contact a construction injuries lawyer to learn more. 
